
Leading Self...Leading Others...Leading Organizations

Today, working adults are faced with challenges to perform at their personal best. Their future and possible current environment consists of constant change in technology, workforce demographics, new roles, the work itself, and higher standards. We’re constantly hearing expectations of doing more with less, which many times results in stress, pressure, and imbalance.

The Center For Human Performance is the dream and vision of Dr. Barbara Walker. After working in Australia at the Academy of Sport, Dr. Walker recognized the benefits of an integrated approach toward optimizing performance. Dr. Walker returned to the Cincinnati area determined to create a place where those seeking peak performance could find the services and tools necessary to achieve their best.

The Center combines the latest knowledge and principles about optimal human performance, specifically in the areas of leadership, attention, stress, competition, nutrition, and exercise with a personal, client-centered approach. We also utilize the science of biofeedback and neurofeedback.

We help people lead more satisfying, happier, productive, optimal lives through a balanced and holistic, strengths-based approach, integrating the mind and body. Our mission is to improve the lives of others, one client at a time.


Peak Performance

“My peak performance training has been life changing… with resulting composure and perspective that allows me to listen and communicate simultaneously to achieve results otherwise undermined by emotion and fear.” General Counsel

Ability to Perform

“Barbara has made a big difference in my ability to perform confidently on stage. The work we accomplished together allowed me to create a calming, centered state prior to entering the stage that allowed me to focus completely on my ability to play”  Flutist, PhD Candidate, CCM at UC

Beyond Simply Balancing

“Dr. Walker is a terrific resource to anyone in the Performance Business, whether Athlete, Executive, or Student.  My background includes college athletics and I make my living litigating lawsuits in between bike races.  Balancing work, home, and personal interests is difficult by any measure.  Dr. Walker brings to bear a tremendous body of work, experience, and expertise that cultivates in her clients skill sets that go beyond simply "balancing" these often competing interests.  Her working relationship will raise the performance bar of each and every facet of life that is presented to her for improvement.  I am very, very fortunate to have her on my team!”

Unlock My Self-Awareness

“We all aspire to perform at a high-level.  Most of the time it's not just about a high reaching goal, it is the person you become in the process. Barbara has helped me unlock my self-awareness and mental tool box.”

Eating Habits Improved

“With your help, I have a positive outlook with my life, my eating habits have improved immensely, I’ve learned how to manage stress in my life and am now a better communicator. Thank you for everything!”

Mission, Vision and Goal Statements

“Barbara assisted our management team to focus on the factors that are necessary to successfully operate a business. We completed our Mission, Vision and Goal statements and have made them documents to live by.” -- Partner, Decosimo Accounting Services


Articulate Presentations

Your articulate presentations which exhibited your extensive knowledge, coupled with your approachable manner, made everyone comfortable and eager to request individual sessions with you. I have personally witnessed the transformations of various employees who took advantage of one-on-one sessions with you; they have attributed improvements in their lives to your expert guidance and support—yet they remarked they felt so comfortable with you that they almost viewed you as a friend even though you were steadfast in keeping your professional demeanor and distance.

Patty Lott, VP Human Resources, Prasco Pharmaceuticals

Reach New Levels

“The work completed with Barbara was pivotal in allowing me to conquer stress and to reach new levels of business performance during the most challenging point of my career. The science behind the work we accomplished validated and provided measurable results that years of personal coaching could not. It made it ‘real’.” -- CEO, Fortune 500 company


Positive Outlook

“With your help, I have a positive outlook with my life, my eating habits have improved immensely, I’ve learned how to manage stress in my life and am now a better communicator. Thank you for everything!”

Return Investment

“The return on this investment is incredible if you apply the model, tools, and coaching appropriately. There is no mountain that is too tall to climb for me and my team because of ‘Peak Performance’ learning.”  Vice President, Human Resources