More Capable Performer
“As a performer, my life is full of unknowns and instability. It’s full of rejections and high stakes. Because of this, I need to be stable and sure of myself. I need to be able to get myself through the rough times. I loved that I was given concrete tools and methods to get me through my day. When I happened upon an incident, instead of feeling lost or out of control I thought to myself "it’s okay, you know how to handle this. You can do this." I was better able to ride the highs and lows.”
“There’s a lot of stigma associated with needing help, especially when it comes to mental health. However, when I could no longer function with the efficiency I desired, when my anxiety was preventing my daily and long-term goals, I knew I needed help. When I had knee surgery, I went to a physical therapist who helped me regain strength, mobility, and flexibility. Working together, she gave me exercises to do until I had regained all my former strength, and then some. I was released when we both felt I could prevent further injuries. Dr. Walker did the same thing for my mental health. I approached my mental health the same way I approached my physical health. And now I am a better and more capable person and performer.” - Actress, NYC
“As a performer, my life is full of unknowns and instability. It’s full of rejections and high stakes. Because of this, I need to be stable and sure of myself. I need to be able to get myself through the rough times. I loved that I was given concrete tools and methods to get me through my day. When I happened upon an incident, instead of feeling lost or out of control I thought to myself "it’s okay, you know how to handle this. You can do this." I was better able to ride the highs and lows.” “There’s a lot of stigma associated with needing help, especially when it comes to mental health. However, when I could no longer function with the efficiency I desired, when my anxiety was preventing my daily and long-term goals, I knew I needed help. When I had knee surgery, I went to a physical therapist who helped me regain strength, mobility, and flexibility. Working together, she gave me exercises to do until I had regained all my former strength, and then some. I was released when we both felt I could prevent further injuries. Dr. Walker did the same thing for my mental health. I approached my mental health the same way I approached my physical health. And now I am a better and more capable person and performer.” - Actress, NYC