Audio Tracks

Great Marathon!

With the aid of several high level runners and her own experience as a marathon runner, Dr. Walker has developed a visualization audio specifically tailored to the mental aspects of running a marathon. This audio will take you visually through 26.2 miles of a marathon course and contains a guided relaxation exercise, as well as precise mental techniques that will allow you to create an environment of success prior to the marathon. When the real day arrives, you simply recreate what you have already learned to do – your best! Immediate access to downloadable audio tracks.

15 sec. Sample MP3

1. Introduction
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations


Great Golf!

You can swing, drive, chip, and putt…so what’s keeping you from the game of your dreams…perhaps it’s all in your head? 

After tremendous success with individual clients utilizing personalized versions of Great Golf!, the decision was made to offer the audio in a version that would meet the needs of every golfer. Utilizing focus groups and working very closely with top golfers, this audio was carefully developed over a period of two years — we wanted to get it right! 

This audio will take you visually through your game, allowing you to mentally rehearse not only the times when things go right, but also when things go wrong and showing you ways out of the “rough”. You will learn to develop the proper mental component to your already established physical routine that will enable you to compete at the level in which you are capable. Immediate access to downloadable  audio tracks.

1. Introduction
2. Visualization exercise
3. Affirmations


A Simple Step Toward Extraordinary Results at Work

1. Introduction
2. Passive Muscle
3. Progressive Muscle
4. The Ocean
5. The Night Sky
6. Coffee Break™
7. Power Points™

Cost: $19.95